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6 Figure Day - Full Access
Welcome to 6 Figure Day! (2:07)
House Rules (3:26)
WATCH FIRST: 7 Steps to Launch a Successful Online Business (79:46)
Step 1: Choose Your Niche
What to Consider When Choosing Your Niche (3:10)
Yes, YOUR Niche Can Be Made into a Successful Course (3:13)
Choosing Your Professional Experience as Your Niche (10:52)
Choosing a Hobby as Your Niche (11:37)
Bonus: "Choosing Your Niche" Webinar Excerpt (13:31)
Step 2: Create Your Course (Part 1: Define Your Target Student)
Step 2 Intro: The Fastest Way to Create A Course - DON'T! (2:44)
Step 2 Intro: Fastest Way to Create a Course - DON'T! (part 2) (1:33)
Who is Your Course For? Who is Your Target Student? (2:04)
Activity: Who IS My Target Student (Worksheet)
What Are Your Students Pain Points? (3:23)
Activity: Talk to My Friends (Worksheet)
Who is NOT Your Target Student? (3:58)
Activity: NOT My Target Student (Worksheet)
Bonus: "Picking Your Product" Webinar Excerpt (7:24)
Step 2: Create Your Course (Part 2: Define Your Course Goals)
What Do Your Students Want to Learn? (2:38)
Activity: Student Aspirations (Worksheet)
Defining Your Course Goals (3:46)
Activity: Your Course Goals (Worksheet)
Activity: Outline Your Course (Worksheet)
Step 2: Create Your Course (Part 3: Basics of Using Teachable)
Intro to Using Teachable (1:57)
Creating Your Website (1:49)
Creating Your Homepage (3:54)
Creating Your Course: Sales Page (3:02)
6FD Creating Your Course - Adding Files, PDF's, Videos, Audio (3:09)
Step 3: Create Your Lead Magnet (Free Report)
Introduction to Relationship Marketing (3:07)
Activity: How do you turn complete strangers who have never heard about you into prospects?
Why Is Your Email List Your Most Valuable Asset? (5:55)
Activity: Your Most Valuable Asset (Worksheet)
Making Deposits in the "Trust Bank" (2:59)
Activity: What is the "Trust Bank"? (Worksheet)
Key Ingredients for an Effective Free Report/Sample Report/Lead Magnet (10:51)
Activity: Research Free Reports/ Lead Magnets (Assignment)
Personal Samples of Effective Free Reports/Lead Magnets
Step 4: Create Your Email Capture Page (Part 1: Intro)
Step 4 Intro (3:34)
What is a Lead Capture Page? (7:52)
Activity: What is a Lead Capture Page?
Copy Elements: Effective Email Capture Page (4:16)
"Social Proof Giveaway" Email Capture Page Example (11:22)
"Audience Building 2.0" Email Capture Page Example (6:17)
"Walker Video Fakeout Page" Email Capture Page Example (10:34)
Step 4: Creating Your Email Capture Page (Part 2: Copy)
It's All About the Benefits (10:35)
Activity: Turn Features of Your Course into Benefits (Worksheet)
Copywriting for Your Email Capture Page (17:52)
Activity: Email Capture Page Copy (Worksheet)
Step 4: Creating Your Email Capture Page (Part 3: Intro to Leadpages)
Using Leadpages (Part 1) (12:24)
Using Leadpages (Part 2) (9:17)
Using Leadpages (Part 3) (10:41)
Step 5: Set Up Your Email Autoresponder (Part 1: Automate Your Marketing)
Intro to Step 5 (1:49)
How to Automate Your Marketing (10:55)
How to Write a "Lead Magnet" Autoresponder Series (28:18)
How to Write an "Hand Raise"" Autoresponder Series (33:39)
How to Write a "New Customer" Autoresponder Series (17:44)
Step 5: Set Up Your Email Autoresponder (Part 2: List Management)
The 4 Key Rules for Treating Your Email List With Respect (6:35)
Activity: 4 Rules to Respecting Your Email List (Worksheet)
How to Develop a Relationship With Your Email List (3:22)
Activity: How to Develop a Relationship With Your Email List (Worksheet)
2 Ways to Make Money With Your Email List (4:13)
Activity: 2 Ways to Make Money With Your Email List (Worksheet)
The Value of Your Email List is Based On This One Thing (5:43)
Activity: The Value of Your Email List Will Be Based on How Much You Respect It (Worksheet)
Step 5: Set Up Your Email Autoresponder (Part 3: Intro to Mailchimp)
Intro to MailChimp (6:12)
Setting Up Your 1st List (11:42)
Setting Up Your 1st Welcome Email (19:14)
Setting Up Your 1st HandRaise Series (17:19)
Sending a Weekly Editorial Email to Your List (10:44)
Step 6 - Create Your Advertisement
Intro to Step 6 (3:55)
Find an "Influence Ad" (19:55)
FB Ad Example: Instant Ad Copy (9:50)
FB Ad Example: Digital Marketer, Jeff Walker, Screw 9 to 5: (6:23)
FB Ad Example: Amy Porterfield (6:20)
FB Targeting (17:02)
Activity: FB Targeting (Worksheet)
Step 6 (Part 2) - Deploying Facebook Campaign
Getting Started with Your Facebook Ad Account (Part 1) (3:01)
Getting Started Your Facebook Ad Account (Part 2) (5:19)
Getting Started With Your Facebook Ad Account (Part 3) (10:13)
Getting Started With Your Facebook Ad Account (Part 4) (25:02)
Step 7: Create Your Offer: (Part 1: Setting Up Your Sales Page)
Intro to Step 7 (1:42)
Getting Started With Your Sales Page (Part 1) (15:21)
Getting Started With Your Sales Page (Part 2) (15:36)
Step 7: (Part 2: Checkout Page & Thank You Page)
Setting Up Your Checkout Page (13:16)
Creating a Thank You Page (4:27)
Payments & Other Tools
Credit Card Processor (4:11)
The Best of the Best - The Online Tools I Use After 20 Years of Doing This (4:43)
Creating Your Homepage
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